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Program of Work Leaderboards
(Submission portal is closed - Final points will be revealed at the State Leadership Conference)
Chapter Pts
{{ chapter.chapter }} {{ chapter.points }}
(Submission portal is closed - Final points will be revealed at the State Leadership Conference)
Chapter Tiles Bingos
{{ entry.name }} {{ entry.approved }} {{ entry.bingos }}
Announcements & Reminders
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Nothing noteworthy, yet...
please check back later!
Future Business Leaders of America, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization is today's most successful and comprehensive High School leadership organization in America. It lays the needed foundation for every future business leader to succeed in today's and tomorrow's business world. Not only does it teach students about business, or make them experience the real world, but develops the necessary effective leadership style that is required for success.

Future Business Leaders of America is all about people; it’s who you meet and who you connect with that enables you to extend your leadership abilities, and FBLA’s unique programs and leadership conferences makes these ventures possible. You don’t have to become a business person just because you joined FBLA; whether you want to be a doctor or an artist, FBLA teaches you the necessary leadership abilities that will make you understand and be more successful with the career that you choose.
To bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.

FBLA isn’t just another student group – it gives you the competitive edge through career exploration, leadership development, networking, community service opportunities, and many more exciting ventures. As a member of FBLA, you’ll build your resume, meet business leaders in your community and beyond, experience the rewards of leadership, and enjoy professional travel and other fun and enjoyable chapter, region, state or national activities/conferences.